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Spring Equinox/New Moon Labrynth Ritual 

March 20th-23rd, 2020

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It is a tool of Mystery, which is anchored in the Earth. Combining the imagery of the circle & the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path, it represents a journey to our own center & back again out into the world; much like the seed in spring.


Labyrinths have long been used as meditation & prayer tools. It is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience. Walking the labyrinth can be considered an initiation, awakening the ancient knowledge encoded within our DNA; a sacred geometry revealing the presence of a cosmic order connecting us with the deeply rooted urge to honor the Sacredness of All Life. The labyrinth experience is a potent practice of Self-Integration as it encapsulates the spiralling journey in & out of incarnation.


“Solvitur Ambulando… it is solved by walking”


This ceremony is a body prayer, a walking meditation, & a potential spiritual experience, which can be done alone or in a small group (honoring a respectful distance of 6 feet between participants.) You can walk it as a spiral without markers, or create your own spiralling pattern using items from nature.


Walking the labyrinth is another way of tapping into forces beyond our normal conscious mind. It takes us to some ancient part of ourselves, as old as the turning of the planets and stars, as old as the goddess and earth energies, back when night was dark, when people knew the sky and nature was a part of us and we of it. This is something lost in our modern world, and the imbalance that it causes cries out for recalibration. That’s why the labyrinth touches so many people so forcefully.


With this simple yet potent honoring of the Spring impulse, we ring the bells of hope; giving ourselves the opportunity to experience the balance & fullness of all the seasonal energy.


What you will need:

A space outside to walk, (this is a great practice for families to do together) and a journal or piece of paper & pen for after.


Ceremony recipe:

  • choose your space and map out your route. It can be helpful to utilize a marker or nature altar for your center point. you can trace the path you will walk with stones/leaves/anything from nature, or just follow your inner guidance around and in to your center point. You'll start on the outside and walk your way in.

  • Walk slowly and with great intention, in slooooow motion

  • As you walk, try to focus your attention on one or more sensations that you would normally take for granted, such as your breath coming in and out of your body; the movement of your feet and legs, their contact with Mother Earth; sounds nearby or those caused by the movement of your body; or the signs of spring around you. Pause every now and then.

  • Breath deep and slow 

  • You might repeat the mantra: " I am one with Creation" or use the Spring-Tide Labyrinth Chant: Balance for the Earth, Light taking form, Rising to Rebirth, Spirit seed Reborn, Flower Stars Return…

  • When you reach the center take a moment to sit, to honor all the you have seen and experienced and journal for a little while listening for messages of growth and renewal coming forth from your intuitive self.

  • Create a seed of intention to plant for the upcoming cycle by answering "What is asking to be born into my life?"

  • Once you have your intention, plant it (either symbolically, or physically) in the center of the spiral and slowly spiral your way out in a walking meditation repeating your intention to yourself.

  • Close the ceremony by expressing gratitude to the earth, water, fire, wind and spirits.

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