Elemental Alchemy:
a weekend of yoga and earth based wisdom practices in Cabo San Lucas
March 27th-29th, 2020
Join me in sunny Los Cabos for a series of workshops exploring the intersections of yoga and shamanism!
Friday March 27th 6:00-900:pm
Drumming and Dreaming
Both Shamanism and Yoga teach us that we dream our journey in this life into being; and each offers powerful practices to open up into the dream state; the visioning state through which we can curate a more harmonious relationship to ourselves and the world.
Through Shamanic drum journeying, supportive movement, breathwork, journalling and a guided practice of Yoga Nidra (Sacred Sleep), we’ll gather together to honour and align with the phase of the moon and get clear on what we want to call in for the next lunar cycle
Saturday March 28th 7:00am-11:00am
The Winds of Spirit
Shamanism is the most ancient spiritual practice, and yet has no scriptures or dogma. It’s a way of life that allows us to connect back into all of Creation. Put most simply, it’s the realization and embodiment that we were never “cast out of the garden”. Rather, we are here to be Stewards of the Earth, or Earth Wisdom Keepers. Ancient shamanic rituals aligned with the sacred directions have been practiced since the beginning of time. At its core, it aims to restore wholeness and balance to individuals and communities, where a genuine reciprocity is formed between humanity, Spirit, and nature.
Learn the symbolism, elements, seasons, animal totems and the associated plant spirit medicines most commonly associated with the 4 sacred directions as taught by North & South American Earth Wisdom Keepers. Session will include supportive movement/meditation to open, lecture, discussion and a ceremonial practice for each direction of the medicine wheel.
Sunday March 29th: 3:00-7:00pm
Dance of The Goddess
Yoga teaches that the creative energy of the Universe is a feminine power called shakti. In a world that often denies or rejects feminine power, our yoga practice can provide the necessary tools to return to the nurturing flow of shakti that moves within.
Weaving the myths and archetypes of the divine feminine into yogic practices designed to awaken shakti, this session is open to anyone wanting to bring their innate creative power to light, however, some yoga experience is recommended. Session will include lecture and discussion on the 4 yogic devis and their archetypes as the sacred feminine, their moon phase & season, and a practice aligned with the current seasonal archetypal devi and phase of the moon.
Each daily session will be held at Bahia Hotel & Beach Resort, in the heart of Los Cabos, steps from the beach. Sessions are priced at $100 USD each and include a healthy communal meal post workshop, in addition to discounted room rates for participants.